Generational Differences

Understanding Generational Differences in the Workplace

Never before has there been a workforce with so much generational diversity. From “Tradionalists” and “Baby Boomers” to “Gen-Xers” and “Millennials,” the workplace is filled with ages that have differing styles and values.

This training is designed to help organizations uncover challenges in supervising employees or working for managers from different generations and to develop the skills necessary to work effectively across these differences.

Workshop Goal

To gain a deeper understanding of why people of different age groups tend to think, feel, and act as they do. You’ll learn a variety of strategies and techniques for finding common ground for working more effectively, collaboratively, and productively with everyone on your team.

Training Objectives

  • Identify characteristics and gain a better understanding of the four primary generations
  • Improve communications and teamwork
  • Accept personal responsibility on all sides for working better together
  • Learn tips and suggestions for overcoming generational differences


This highly interactive workshop is customized to meet your organization’s particular needs while ensuring the material is interesting, motivating, and relevant. A variety of training techniques are used to help participants examine their own generational values and beliefs, explore their biases and preferences, and build the skills necessary to succeed in the dynamics of intergenerational interactions.

After the training, participants will:

  • Have a better understanding of the values, experiences, and styles of the different generations in the workplace
  • Be more skilled at identifying and overcoming misunderstandings generated by cultural differences of each generation
  • Communicate better with individuals from different generations
  • Know how to recruit, manage, and retain professionals from different age groups
  • Understand how to advance in an organization with generational differences in management

Contact Maria Velasco, Intercultural Training & Consulting Coordinator, at (303) 857-5298 or email below to schedule a workshop or get more information.