Cultural Competence

Building Cultural Competence in Healthcare

Culturally competent healthcare services have become ever more important as the size and diversity of patient populations increase and a focus is put on divergent health outcomes.

This workshop is designed to enable healthcare organizations to deliver high-quality healthcare that is responsive to and respectful of the needs of diverse patients. In an engaging, interactive style, the workshop will increase levels of awareness, understanding, and skill in cross-cultural healthcare interactions.

As Diversity and Inclusion strategy experts for the past 35 years, we assist you in creating tailored and sustainable strategies to help you establish a plan to close the gap between your organization’s current status and its vision for the future. We learn about your business goals, assess your needs and provide a customized consulting solution.

Workshop Goal

To develop awareness of how cultural differences impact the patient provider interaction and health outcomes, and build the knowledge and skills to provide effective care to patients from different backgrounds.

Training Objectives

  • Increase awareness about your personal culture and its influence in shaping your own behaviors
  • Highlight the significance of other cultures’ values, beliefs, assumptions, expectations, and behavior
  • Learn how our cultural frameworks differ and why this matters in a healthcare setting
  • Explore what constitutes culture and cultural competency
  • Increase your knowledge and skills for navigating the dynamics of difference with co-workers as well as patients/clients


This highly interactive workshop is customized to meet your organization’s particular needs while ensuring the material is interesting, motivating, and relevant. A variety of training techniques are used to help participants examine their own cultural values and beliefs, explore their biases and preferences, and build the skills necessary to succeed in the dynamics of cross-cultural interactions with clients.

After the training, participants will:

  • Be more mindful of their own culture and the effect it has on their daily interactions with coworkers and clients/patients.
  • Anticipate and react appropriately to culturally sensitive situations.
  • Understand the reasons behind potential conflicts involving culture.
  • Communicate better with patients holding different values.
  • Understand and apply the elements of cultural competence in healthcare for better health outcomes.

Contact Maria Velasco, Intercultural Training & Consulting Coordinator, at (303) 857-5298 or email below to schedule a workshop or get more information.