Students from Diverse Backgrounds

Working Effectively with Students from Diverse Backgrounds

As the number of students from diverse backgrounds continues to grow in U.S. schools, so does the need for culturally responsive education. There are numerous benefits of culturally competent schools, including preventing academic failure, reducing dropout rates, and engaging students and their families in the school community.

This workshop addresses issues such as understanding cultural differences in the school setting, becoming aware of stereotypes, testing assumptions about behavior, working with non-native English speaking students and their families, and discovering how personal values affect teacher-student interactions.

Workshop Goal

To develop awareness of how cultural differences impact the teacher-student interaction and education outcomes, and build the knowledge and skills to provide effective education services to students from diverse backgrounds.

Training Objectives

  • Explore and understand the most common U.S. American values, how they contrast with values from different countries, and how this affects your school
  • Become aware of personal biases and stereotypes that can affect teacher-student relationships
  • Identify ways to address challenging cultural behaviors from students and their families
  • Spot micro-aggressions and learn how to respond
  • Address language barriers when working with limited-English speaking students
  • Learn how to build educational systems that are culturally competent and inclusive


This highly interactive workshop is customized to meet your school’s particular needs while ensuring the material is interesting, motivating, and relevant. A variety of training techniques are used to help participants examine their own cultural values and beliefs, explore their biases and preferences, and build the skills necessary to succeed in the dynamics of cross-cultural interactions with students.

After the training, participants will:

  • Be more mindful of their own culture and the effect it has on their daily interactions with students
  • Anticipate and react appropriately to culturally sensitive situations
  • Understand the reasons behind potential conflicts involving culture
  • Communicate better with students holding different values
  • Understand and apply the elements of cultural competence in education for better outcomes

Contact Maria Velasco, Intercultural Training & Consulting Coordinator, at (303) 857-5298 or email below to schedule a workshop or get more information.