Sexual-Harassment Prevention

Rebooting Sexual-Harassment Prevention in the Workplace

A new, innovative and fresh approach to engaging learners and empowering minds! Daily news of sexual harassment in the workplace has demonstrated that commonly used on-line training and compliance approaches in organizations have not worked. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, human resource organizations and social movements call for a better and more effective approach to employer’s efforts and commitment to foster fairness, safety and equity to all in the workplace. Now is time to reboot the energies and start with fresh approaches.

Workshop Goal

Rebooting Sexual-Harassment Prevention in the Workplace is a training session designed to educate and empower participants to have the courage to speak up for themselves and for others to create workplaces that are free of sexual harassment.

Training Objectives

  • Understand what constitutes sexual misconduct and the many subtle and not so subtle ways in which it occurs. Including sexually toned glances, gestures and nonverbal actions.
  • Explore how individual background and experience impacts perceptions of sexual harassment.
  • Develop better understanding of how harassment affects job performance, employee engagement and bottom-line results.
  • Initiate meaningful conversations for change.
  • Practice how to establish boundaries for themselves and others of what is acceptable and what is not acceptable in the workplace.


This engaging learning session uses real and relatable case scenarios and comments of sexual misconduct to illustrate physical, written and verbal harassment. It includes text messaging, quid pro quo, sexual orientation and sexualized environments that impact off work behavior. We also explore respectful ways to engage with others in the workplace.


Actively engaging participants in group discussions, interactive activities and learning games will drive a deeper insight into the issue of sexual misconduct and the power each person has to stop it, in the moment. This approach includes culturally diverse characters and experience and individual learning, and response styles. It also creates emotional connections to content and personal impact further empowering employees and HR personnel to make better decisions and interventions. This workshop can be delivered in English or Spanish.

After the training, participants will:

  • Have more clarity of the spectrum of comments and behaviors that can escalate from not offensive to offensive, and to egregious;
  • Be more aware of people’s individual perceptions of sexual offense;
  • Have an enhanced understanding of levels of offense that can harm and may need intervention from upper management or HR;
  • Have a comfortable and empowering repertory of actions and interventions to sexual misconduct in the moment;
  • Know how to report sexual harassment in their organizations, outside of their organizations and where to receive support.

Rossana Johnston
Leadership Development Consultant and Facilitator