Successful Workplace Diversity

Successful Workplace Diversity

In almost every aspect of today’s workplace, diversity is a reality and inclusion is a key factor in success. From the workforce to the customer base, organizations increasingly face important differences in culture that includes ethnicity as well as gender, age, and socioeconomic background. This training addresses such fundamental issues as multicultural dynamics, intercultural communication, and the development of an inclusive workplace that transforms difference into an invaluable organizational asset.

Workshop Goal

To build your awareness and understanding of how cultural differences unconsciously impact your interactions with managers and coworkers from diverse backgrounds, and to build the knowledge and skills to be more successful in working with organizational members who are different from you. In addition to building individual skills, we also look at how management can implement practices that ensure the workplace is welcoming towards diversity.

Training Objectives

  • Understand how multicultural issues affect the dynamics of the workplace
  • Identify stereotypes and prejudices in the workplace
  • Minimize miscommunication and misinterpretation between employees from different cultures
  • Learn to work more effectively with awareness and appreciation for cultural differences
  • Leverage the benefits and minimize the challenges of being a multicultural organization that values diversity and inclusion


This highly interactive workshop is customized to meet your organization’s particular needs while ensuring the material is interesting, motivating, and relevant. A variety of training techniques are used to help participants examine their own cultural values and beliefs, explore their biases and preferences, and build the skills necessary to succeed in the dynamics of inclusion across differences.

After the training, participants will:

  • Recognize the broad definition of diversity and the benefits of inclusivity
  • Enhance interpersonal skills needed to interact successfully in the workplace
  • Build a welcoming environment for new employees
  • Decrease turnover, especially among diverse employees
  • Increase team creativity and innovation while improving the bottom line
  • Increase problem-solving abilities and team synergy

Contact Maria Velasco, Intercultural Training & Consulting Coordinator, at (303) 857-5298 or email below to schedule a workshop or get more information.